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This is the commercial license purchase page for the art and accompanying story of '《 Retaliation Legends and a Bears in the Mountains - ID 285662050 》' If you have not yet purchased the personal license for this artwork, please first visit this link for a premium download to obtain the high-resolution file of the work, the PDF story file, and the personal license. After completing the purchase, you can return here to buy the commercial license for business use.




🏷️ Story Title: The Mountain's Retaliation


📚 Story Genre: Fantasy, Magical Realism, Fable


📘 Story Summary:


Nature takes a vengeful turn as the mountains retaliate against those who harm them. When a corporate magnate threatens the sacred land for profit, the legends awaken. The mountains summon a bear, a protector spirit, to face off against greed and to restore balance. The collision of man's ambition and nature's wrath unveils tales of legends reborn.

ID 285662050 Artwork + Story - Commercial License

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